Proud to support local childrens treasure book hunt in Quorn - ReadwithRosy - Found It!

We are really proud to be supporting a local Quorn based community initiative created by Rhianedd Evans ‘ReadwithRosy Found it!to encourage children to read during the summer holidays.

Having donated 30 books along with other local businesses in Quorn, Rhianedd has hidden these fabulous books throughout the village which are appropriate for 2-11 years.

The idea is you find it, read it, enjoy it and re-hide it, ready for someone else to find and enjoy.

Participants are being encouraged to take photos and write a little review of the book they have read, share it on the facebook page and leave a clue as to where they have hidden the book.

Let’s see how many books can be found, read and re-hidden over the summer months.

We hope the children of Quorn love this reading treasure hunt challenge and we can’t wait to see all of your photos and clues being shared with other families in the village.